Pull up a seat at The Peace Table, where everyone belongs!

Sunday School that Lights the Way

Welcome children and youth to a place where they are known and loved, where their questions are taken seriously, and where they can gather to hear God’s story and together find meaning for their lives. Shine guides children and youth to stretch and grow toward God’s light, and then shine that light to others.

In Shine, Bible stories are central. In the Bible, we learn how God has worked through ordinary people in extraordinary ways. Through the Bible, children and youth learn God’s good news and come to know Jesus.

We gather around God’s Word together to find meaning, rather than doing it alone. In the face of individualism and consumerism, Shine seeks to help congregations build healthy communities of faith that nurture children and youth.

Peacemaking is an integral part of God’s good news. Shine sessions highlight connections to Jesus’ life and teachings of peace. Children and youth are invited to consider ways to express faith through lives of peacemaking and service.

The inner spiritual life of children is nurtured gently and surely. Sessions begin with worship and singing. Every learner participates in the same spiritual practice in an age-appropriate way.

Faith Formation for All Ages

Two Year Olds

Pre K to Elementary

Preschool - Grade 5

Why People Love Shine